API Docs for: 0.1.1

File: src/components/map/core/Flatworld.js

(function () {
  ------- IMPORT --------
  const { Q, PIXI } = window.flatworld_libraries;
  const { mapLayers, ObjectManager, mapEvents, generalUtils, log, utils } = window.flatworld;

  ------ VARIABLES ------
  const LAYER_TYPE_STATIC = 0;
  const VERSION = '0.0.0';
  const _renderers = {};
  let _drawMapOnNextTick = false;
  let isMapReadyPromises = [];
  let _privateRenderers;
  let _staticLayer;
  let _movableLayer;
  let _minimapLayer;
  let ParentLayerConstructor;

  --------- API ---------
  class Flatworld {
     * Main class for the engine
     * Initializes the whole structure and plugins and is used as primary API for all operations. This class is e.g. passed to every
     * plugin that get initialized with their init-method.
     * You use the class by instantiating it (new) and then finishing initialization with init-method. Please see examples below.
     * The biggest part of creating the map, is the data structure. There is a clear data structure that you can see from the
     * tests/data-folder, but the factory is responsible for creating the objects, so you can use your own factory implementation. So to
     * understand more, please see e.g. {{#crossLink 'flatworld.factories.hexaFactory'}}{{/crossLink}}.
     * The map consists of layer on top of each other. The example is best understood when thinking typical war strategy game. The
     * structure is this:
     * 1. StaticLayer: Handles things like scaling / zooming the map
     * 2. MovableLayer: Obviously handles movement of the map. Also is a good place to get map coordinates. Since getting global
     * coordinates won't help you much, half of the time.
     * 3. Different layers: like units, terrain, fog of war, UIs etc. Can also contains special layers like dynamically changed UIlayers.
     * 4. possible subcontainers (used for optimized object selection and map movement). Can also contains special layers like dynamically
     * changed UIlayers.
     * 5. Individual objects, like units, terrains, cities etc...
     * Plugins can be added with activatePlugins-method by sending them to the class. Plugins must always implement init-method, which
     * receives Map instance. Plugins are not yet restricted what they can do and can add functionality without touching map or can modify
     * objects or their prototypes through access to Map instance.
     * @example
     *     var map = new Map(divContainer, mapOptions );
     *     promises = map.init( gameData.pluginsToActivate, mapData.startPoint );
     * A note on the UI part of the map. The UI is not the primary UI interface for the map, but instead it is the UI that is used when
     * interacting with the map and objects in it. So e.g. when user selects a unit on the map. How that unit is highlighted as selected
     * and what kind of possible info-box we show to the user regarding that object, movement of units etc.
     * @namespace flatworld
     * @class Flatworld
     * @constructor
     * @requires PIXI.JS framework in global namespace
     * @requires Canvas (webGL support recommended) HTML5-element supported.
     * @requires Q for promises
     * @requires Hammer for touch events
     * @requires Hamster for mouse scroll events
     * @param {HTMLElement} mapCanvas                       HTML element which will be container for the created canvas element.
     * @param {Object} [props]                              Extra properties
     * @param {Object} props.bounds                         Bounds of the viewport
     * @param {Integer} props.bounds.width                  Bound width
     * @param {Integer} props.bounds.height                 Bound height
     * @param {Object} [props.mapSize]                      The total mapSize
     * @param {Integer} props.mapSize.x                     x-axis
     * @param {Integer} props.mapSize.y                     y-axis
     * @param {Object} props.rendererOptions                Renderer options passed to PIXI.autoDetectRenderer
     * @param {Object} props.subcontainers                  Subcontainers size in pixels. If given, will activate subcontainers. If not
     * given or false, subcontainers are not used.
     * @param {Integer} props.subcontainers.width           Subcontainer width
     * @param {Integer} props.subcontainers.height          Subcontainer height
     * @param {FPSCallback} [trackFPSCB]                    Callback function for tracking FPS in renderer. So this is used for debugging
     * and optimizing.
     * @return {Object}                                      New Map instance
    constructor(mapCanvas = null, {
      bounds = { width: 0, height: 0 },
      mapSize = { x: 0, y: 0 },
      rendererOptions = { autoResize: true, antialias: false },
      subcontainers = {
        width: 0,
        height: 0,
        maxDetectionOffset: 0, // maxDetectionOffset default set later
      trackFPSCB = false,
      defaultScaleMode = PIXI.SCALE_MODES.DEFAULT } = {}) {
      /* Check for the required parameters! */
      if (!mapCanvas) {
        throw new Error(`${this.constructor.name} needs canvas element!`);
      /* If the constructor was passed mapCanvas as a string and not as an Element, we get the element */
      if (typeof mapCanvas === 'string') {
        mapCanvas = document.querySelector(mapCanvas);

      /* Make sure the mapCanvas is empty. So there are no nasty surprises */
      mapCanvas.innerHTML = '';
      /* Add the given canvas Element to the options that are passed to PIXI renderer */
      rendererOptions.view = mapCanvas;
      /* Create PIXI renderer. Practically PIXI creates its own canvas and does its magic to it */
      _renderers.main = new PIXI.WebGLRenderer(bounds.width, bounds.height, rendererOptions);
      _renderers.main.getResponsibleLayer = this.getStaticLayer;
      /* Create PIXI renderer for minimap */
      if (minimapCanvas) {
        _renderers.minimap = minimapCanvas ?
          new PIXI.WebGLRenderer(0, 0, { view: minimapCanvas, autoResize: true }) :
        _renderers.minimap.getResponsibleLayer = this.getMinimapLayer;
      /* We handle all the events ourselves through addEventListeners-method on canvas, so destroy pixi native method */

      /* This defines which MapLayer class we use to generate layers on the map. Under movableLayer. These are layers like: Units,
       * terrain, fog of war, UIs etc. */
      ParentLayerConstructor =
        (subcontainers.width && subcontainers.height && subcontainers.maxDetectionOffset) ?
          mapLayers.MapLayerParent :

      /* These are the 2 topmost layers on the map:
       * - staticLayer: Keeps at the same coordinates always and is responsible for holding map
       * scale value and possible
       * objects that do not move with the map. StaticLayer has only one child: _movableLayer
       * - movableLayer: Moves the map, when the user commands. Can hold e.g. UI objects that move
       * with the map. Like
       * graphics that show which area or object is currently selected. */
      _staticLayer = new mapLayers.MapLayer({ name: 'staticLayer', coord: { x: 0, y: 0 } });
      _movableLayer = new mapLayers.MapLayer({ name: 'movableLayer', coord: { x: 0, y: 0 } });
      _minimapLayer = new mapLayers.MapLayer({ name: 'minimapLayer', coord: { x: 0, y: 0 } });

      /* needed to make the canvas fullsize canvas with PIXI */
      /* stop scrollbars of showing */
      mapCanvas.style.overflow = 'hidden';


      /* PIXI.SCALE_MODES.DEFAULT is officially a const, but since it's not ES6 we don't care :P.
       * Setting this separately in each
       * baseTexture, would seem stupid, so we do it like this for now. */
      this.defaultScaleMode = PIXI.SCALE_MODES.DEFAULT = defaultScaleMode;

      /* We cache the privateRenderers in array format to a module variable */
      _privateRenderers = Object.keys(_renderers).map(idx => _renderers[idx]);

       * canvas element that was generated and is being used by this new generated Map instance.
       * @attribute canvas
       * @type {HTMLElement}
       * @required
      this.canvas = _renderers.main.view;
       * canvas element that was generated and is being used by this new generated Map instance.
       * @attribute canvas
       * @type {HTMLElement}
       * @required
      this.minimapCanvas = _renderers.minimap ? _renderers.minimap.view : undefined;
       * @attribute mapSize
       * @type {x: Number, y: Number}
       * @optional
      this.mapSize = mapSize;
       * list of plugins that the map uses and are initialized
       * @see Map.activatePlugins
       * @attribute plugins
       * @type {Set}
      this.plugins = new Set();
       * Subcontainers size that we want to generate, when layers use subcontainers.
       * @attribute subcontainersConfig
       * @type {{width: Integer, height: Int, maxDetectionOffset: Int}}
      // Set default
      subcontainers.maxDetectionOffset = subcontainers.maxDetectionOffset || 100;
      this.subcontainersConfig = subcontainers;
       * Callback function that gets the current FPS on the map and shows it in DOM
       * @attribute trackFPSCB
       * @type {Function}
      this.trackFPSCB = trackFPSCB;
       * ObjectManager instance. Responsible for retrieving the objects from the map, on desired
       * occasions. Like when the player clicks
       * the map to select some object. This uses subcontainers when present.
       * @attribute objectManager
       * @type {ObjectManager}
      this.objectManager = new ObjectManager();
       * Set variable showing if the device supports touch or not.
       * @attribute isTouch
       * @type {Boolean}
      this.isSupportedTouch = generalUtils.environmentDetection.isTouchDevice();
       * The object or objects that are currently selected for details and actions / orders. This gets set by other modules, like plugins.
       * @attribute currentlySelectedObjects
       * @type {Array}
      this.currentlySelectedObjects = [];
       * Layer types. Can be extended, but the already defined types are supposed to be constants and not to be changed.
       * @attribute layerTypes
       * @type {Object}
      this.layerTypes = {
        staticType: {
          id: LAYER_TYPE_STATIC,
          layer: _staticLayer,
        movableType: {
          id: LAYER_TYPE_MOVABLE,
          layer: _movableLayer,
        minimapType: {
          id: LAYER_TYPE_MINIMAP,
          layer: _minimapLayer,
       * Self explanatory
       * @attribute VERSION
       * @type {SEMVER}       http://semver.org/
      this.VERSION = VERSION;
     * This initializes the map and makes everything appear on the map and actually work. Also initializes the given plugins since
     * normally the plugins have to be activated before the map is shown.
     * @method init
     * @param {String[]|Object[]} plugins                  Plugins to be activated for the map. Normally you should give the plugins here
     * instead of separately passing them to activatePlugins method. You can provide the module strings or module objects.
     * @param  {Object} coord                     Starting coordinates for the map.
     * @param  {Integer} coord.x                  X coordinate.
     * @param  {Integer} coord.y                  Y coordinate.
     * @param {Function} tickCB                   callback function for tick. Tick callback is initiated in every frame. So map draws
     * happen during ticks.
     * @param {Object} options                    Extra options.
     * @param {Boolean} options.fullsize          Do we set fullsize canvas or not at the beginning. Default: true
     * @return {Array}                            Returns an array of Promises. If this is empty / zero. Then there is nothing to wait
     * for, if it contains promises, you have to wait for them to finish for the plugins to work and map be ready.
    init(plugins = [], coord = { x: 0, y: 0 }, tickCB = null, options = { fullsize: true }) {
      var allPromises = [];

      options.fullsize && this.toggleFullsize();

      if (plugins.length) {
        allPromises = this.activatePlugins(plugins);

      /* Sets the correct Map starting coordinates */
      coord && Object.assign(_movableLayer, coord);

      /* We activate the default tick for the map, but if custom tick callback has been given, we activate it too */
      tickCB && this.customTickOn(tickCB);
      isMapReadyPromises = allPromises;


      return allPromises || Promise.resolve();
     * Returns a promise that resolves after the map is fully initialized
     * @method whenReady
     * @return {Promise}        Promise that holds all the individual plugin loading promises
    whenReady() {
      return Q.all(isMapReadyPromises);
     * The correct way to update / redraw the map. Check happens at every tick and thus in every frame.
     * @method drawOnNextTick
    drawOnNextTick() {
      _drawMapOnNextTick = true;
     * The correct way to update / redraw the map. Check happens at every tick and thus in every frame.
     * @method drawOnNextTick
    collectGarbage() {
      _privateRenderers.forEach(renderer => renderer.textureGC.run());
     * Add an UI object to the wanted layer.
     * @method addUIObject
     * @param {Integer} layer           Type of the layer. this.layerTypes.STATIC.id or layerTypes.MOVABLE.id.
     * @param {Object | Array} object   The object to be attached as UI object.
    addUIObject(layerType, objects, UIName) {
      if (Array.isArray(objects)) {
        objects.forEach(object => {
          this._addObjectToUIlayer(layerType, object);
      } else {
        this._addObjectToUIlayer(layerType, objects, UIName);
     * Remove an UI object to the wanted layer.
     * @method removeUIObject
     * @param {Integer} layer       Type of the layer. layerTypes.STATIC of layerTypes.MOVABLE.
     * @param {String} objectName   The object to be attached as UI object.
    removeUIObject(layerType, UIName) {
      switch (layerType) {
        case LAYER_TYPE_STATIC:
        case LAYER_TYPE_MOVABLE:
     * Create a special layer, that can holds e.g. UI effects in it.
     * @method createSpecialLayer
     * @param {String} name               name of the layer
     * @param {Object} options            Optional options.
     * @param {Object} options.coord      Coordinates of the layer
     * @param {Integer} options.coord.x   X coordinate
     * @param {Integer} options.coord.y   Y coordinate
     * @param {Object} options.toLayer    To which layer will this layer be added to as UILayer.
     *  Default false
     * @return {MapLayer}            The created UI layer
    createSpecialLayer(name = 'default special layer',
      options = {
        coord: {
          x: 0,
          y: 0 },
        toLayer: false }) {
      const coord = options.coord || { x: 0, y: 0 };
      const layer = new mapLayers.MapLayer(name, coord);

      layer.specialLayer = true;
      options.toLayer && options.toLayer.addChild(layer);

      return layer;
     * All parameters are passed to ParentLayerConstructor (normally constructor of MapLayer).
     * @method addLayer
     * @uses MapLayer
     * @return {MapLayer}          created MapLayer instance
    addLayer(layerOptions) {
      let newLayer;

      if (this.getSubcontainerConfigs() && layerOptions.subcontainers !== false) {
        layerOptions.subcontainers = this.getSubcontainerConfigs();

      newLayer = new ParentLayerConstructor(layerOptions);

      return newLayer;
     * Just a convenience function (for usability and readability), for checking if the map uses
     * subcontainers.
     * @method usesSubcontainers
     * @return {Boolean}
    usesSubcontainers() {
      return !!(this.getSubcontainerConfigs().width && this.getSubcontainerConfigs().height);
     * Returns current subcontainers configurations (like subcontainers size).
     * @method getSubcontainerConfigs
     * @return {Object}
    getSubcontainerConfigs() {
      return this.subcontainersConfig;
     * Get the size of the area that is shown to the player. More or less the area of the browser
     * window.
     * @method getViewportArea
     * @param  {Boolean} isLocal                                                  Do we want to
     * use Map coordinates or global / canvas
     * coordinates. Default = false
     * @return {{x: Integer, y: Integer, width: Integer, height: Integer}}        x- and
     * y-coordinates and the width and height of the
     * viewport
    getViewportArea(isLocal = false, multiplier = 0) {
      const layer = isLocal ? this.getMovableLayer() : this.getStaticLayer();
      let leftSideCoords = new PIXI.Point(0, 0);
      let rightSideCoords = new PIXI.Point(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

      if (isLocal) {
        rightSideCoords = layer.toLocal(rightSideCoords);
        leftSideCoords = layer.toLocal(leftSideCoords);

      const leftSide = {
        x: leftSideCoords.x,
        y: leftSideCoords.y,
      const rightSide = {
        x2: rightSideCoords.x,
        y2: rightSideCoords.y,

      const offset = {
        x: (Math.abs(rightSide.x2) - leftSide.x) * multiplier,
        y: (Math.abs(rightSide.y2) - leftSide.y) * multiplier,
      return {
        x: Math.round(leftSide.x - offset.x),
        y: Math.round(leftSide.y - offset.y),
        width: Math.round(Math.abs(Math.abs(rightSide.x2) - leftSide.x) + offset.x * 2),
        height: Math.round(Math.abs(Math.abs(rightSide.y2) - leftSide.y) + offset.y * 2),
     * Remove a primary layer from the map
     * @method removeLayer
     * @param {MapLayer|PIXI.Container|PIXI.ParticleContainer} layer       The layer object to be
     * removed
    removeLayer(layer) {

      return layer;
     * return the mapsize as width and height
     * @return {Object}       { x: Number, y: Number }
    getMapsize() {
      return this.mapSize;
     * Moves the map the amount of given x and y pixels. Note that this is not the destination coordinate, but the amount of movement that
     * the map should move. Internally it moves the movableLayer, taking into account necessary properties (like scale). Draws map after
     * movement.
     * @method moveMap
     * @param {Object} coord                 The amount of x and y coordinates we want the map to move. I.e. { x: 5, y: 0 }. With this we
     * want the map to move horizontally 5 pixels and vertically stay at the same position.
     * @param {Integer} coord.x              X coordinate
     * @param {Integer} coord.y              Y coordinate
     * @param {Integer} absolute             If the given coordinates are not relative, like move map 1 pixel, but instead absolute, like
     * move map to coordinates { x: 1, y: 2 }. Defaults to false (relative).
     * @todo  the informcoordinates away and fix the issue they tried to fix!
    moveMap({ x = 0, y = 0 }, { absolute = false } = {}) {
      const realCoordinates = {
        x: Math.round(x / this.getStaticLayer().getZoom()),
        y: Math.round(y / this.getStaticLayer().getZoom()),

      if (absolute) {
        _movableLayer.position = new PIXI.Point(x, y);
      } else {

      mapEvents.publish('mapMoved', realCoordinates);
     * Activate all plugins for the map. Iterates through the given plugins we wish to activate and does the actual work in activatePlugin-
     * method.
     * @method pluginsArray
     * @param {Object[]} pluginsArray   Array that consists the plugin modules to be activated
     * @return {Promise}                Promise. If string are provided resolved those with System.import, otherwise resolves immediately.
     * */
    activatePlugins(pluginsArray = []) {
      const allPromises = [];

      /* Iterates over given plugins Array and calls their init-method, depeding if it is String or Object */
      pluginsArray.forEach(plugin => {
        if (typeof plugin === 'object') {
        } else {
          log.error('problem with initializing a plugin: ' + plugin.name);

      return allPromises;
     * Activate plugin for the map. Plugins need .pluginName property and .init-method. Plugins init-method activates the plugins and we
     * call them in Map. Plugins init-metho receivse this (Map instance) as their only parameter.
     * @method activatePlugin
     * @throws {Error} Throws a general error if there is an issue activating the plugin
     * @param {Object} plugin        Plugin module
     * */
    activatePlugin(plugin) {
      try {
        if (!plugin || !plugin.pluginName || !plugin.init) {
          throw new Error('plugin, plugin.pluginName or plugin.init import is missing!');

        if (this.plugins.has(plugin[plugin.pluginName])) {
      } catch (e) {
        log.error('An error initializing plugin. JSON.stringify: "' + JSON.stringify(plugin) + '" ', e);
     * Setting new prototype methods for the Map instance
     * @method setPrototype
     * @param {String} property         The property you want to set
     * @param {*} value                 Value for the property
    setPrototype(property, value) {
      const thisPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(this);

      thisPrototype[property] = value;
     * Gets object under specific map coordinates. Using subcontainers if they exist, other
     * methods if not. If you provide type parameter, the method returns only object types that
     * match it.
     * NOTE! At the moment filters only support layers! You can not give filters object: object and
     * expect them to be filtered. It will filter only layers (object: layer)!
     * @todo This should work with object filtering too, but the issues regarding it are
     * efficiency (if there are many filter rules, we don't want to go through them twice?). Since
     * the way filters work now, we would have to filter layers first and then again objects.
     * @method getObjectsUnderArea
     * @param  {Object} globalCoords            Event coordinates on the staticLayer / canvas.
     * @param  {Integer} globalCoords.x         X coordinate
     * @param  {Integer} globalCoords.y         Y coordinate
     * @param  {Object} options                 Optional options
     * @param  {Object} options.filter          The filter to apply to subcontainers
     * @return {Array}                          Array of object found on the map.
    getObjectsUnderArea(globalCoords = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, { filters = null } = {}) {
      /* We need both coordinates later on and it's logical to do the work here */
      const allCoords = {
        localCoords: this.getMovableLayer().toLocal(new PIXI.Point(globalCoords.x, globalCoords.y)),
      let objects = [];

      allCoords.localCoords.width = globalCoords.width / this.getZoom();
      allCoords.localCoords.height = globalCoords.height / this.getZoom();

      if (this.usesSubcontainers()) {
        const allMatchingSubcontainers = this._getSubcontainersUnderArea(allCoords, { filters });

        objects = this._retrieveObjects(allCoords, allMatchingSubcontainers);
      } else {
        const filteredContainers = this.getMovableLayer().children.filter(thisChild => {
          if ((filters && !filters.filter(thisChild).length) || thisChild.specialLayer) {
            return false;

          return true;

        objects = this._retrieveObjects(allCoords, filteredContainers);

      if (filters && filters.doesItFilter("object")) {
        objects = filters.filter(objects);

      return objects;
     * This returns the normal parent layers that we mostly use for manipulation everything. MovableLayer and staticLayer are built-in
     * layers designed to provide the basic functionalities like zooming and moving the map. These layers provide everything that extends
     * the map more.
     * @method getPrimaryLayers
     * @param {MapDataManipulator} [{}.filters]         The mapDataManipulator instance, that you use for filtering.
     * @return {Object} Basically anything in the map that is used as a layer (not really counting subcontainers).
    getPrimaryLayers({ filters } = {}) {
      return this.getMovableLayer().getPrimaryLayers({ filters });
     * Get all objects on the map, from layers and subcontainers.
     * @todo Not very intelligent atm. You need to make a recursive and smart retrieving of objects, so no matter how many layers or
     * layers there are, you always retrieve the end objects and the end of the path.
     * @method getAllObjects
     * @param {MapDataManipulator} [{}.filters]         The mapDataManipulator instance, that you use for filtering.
     * @return {Array}                                  Array of found objects
     * */
    getAllObjects({ filters } = {}) {
      let allObjects;
      let theseObjs;

      allObjects = this.getPrimaryLayers({ filters }).map((layer) => {
        let allObjs;

        if (layer.hasSubcontainers()) {
          const subcontainers = layer.getSubcontainers();

          allObjs = subcontainers.map((subContainer) => {
            theseObjs = subContainer.children.map((obj) => {
              if (filters) {
                return filters.filter(obj);

              return obj;

            return generalUtils.arrays.flatten2Levels(theseObjs);
        } else {
          allObjs = layer.children.map((obj) => {
            if (filters) {
              return filters.filter(obj);

            return obj;

        return generalUtils.arrays.flatten2Levels(allObjs);

      allObjects = generalUtils.arrays.flatten2Levels(allObjects);

      return allObjects;
    getMapCoordinates() {
      return {
        x: this.getMovableLayer().x,
        y: this.getMovableLayer().y,
     * This returns the layer that is responsible for map zoom
     * @method getZoomLayer
     * @return {MapLayer|PIXI.Container|PIXI.ParticleContainer}
    getZoomLayer() {
      return this.getStaticLayer();
     * Set map zoom. 1 = no zoom. <1 zoom out, >1 zoom in.
     * @method setZoom
     * @param {Number} scale    The amount of zoom you want to set
     * @return {Number}         The amount of zoom applied
    setZoom(newScale) {

      mapEvents.publish({ name: 'mapZoomed', cooldown: true }, { previousScale: this.getZoom(), newScale });

      return newScale;
     * Get map zoom. 1 = no zoom. <1 zoom out, >1 zoom in.
     * @method getZoom
     * @return {MapLayer|PIXI.Container|PIXI.ParticleContainer}
    getZoom() {
      return this.getZoomLayer().getZoom();
     * Returns the PIXI renderer. Don't use this unless you must. For more advanced or PIXI specific cases.
     * @method getRenderer
     * @return {PIXI.Renderer}
    getRenderer(type) {
      return type === 'minimap' ? _renderers.minimap : _renderers.main;
     * Return static layer. The static layer is the topmost of all layers. It handles zooming and other non-movable operations.
     * @method getStaticLayer
    getStaticLayer() {
      return _staticLayer;
     * Returns movable layer. This layer is the one that moves when the player moves the map. So this is used for things that are relative
     * to the current map position the player is seeing. This can be used e.g. when you want to display some objects on the map or UI
     * elements, like effects that happen on certain point on the map.
     * @method getMovableLayer
     * @return {MapLayer|PIXI.Container|PIXI.ParticleContainer}
    getMovableLayer() {
      return _movableLayer;
     * Return minimap layer. Holds minimap, if used in the game.
     * @method getMinimapLayer
    getMinimapLayer() {
      return _minimapLayer;
     * Removes the minimapLayer from the game.
    removeMinimapLayer() {
      _minimapLayer = undefined;
      * This is abstract method and needs to be implemented with a plugin. Core module has an implementation for this and if you don't
      * implement your own, I suggest you use it.
      * @method zoomIn
    zoomIn() { return 'notImplementedYet. Activate with plugin'; }
      * This is abstract method and needs to be implemented with a plugin. Core module has an implementation for this and if you don't
      * implement your own, I suggest you use it.
      * @method zoomOut
    zoomOut() { return 'notImplementedYet. Activate with plugin'; }
     * Resize the canvas to fill the whole browser content area. Defined by the baseEventlisteners-module (core modules plugin)
     * @method toggleFullsize
    toggleFullsize() { return 'notImplementedYet. Activate with plugin'; }
     * Toggles fullscreen mode. Defined by the baseEventlisteners-module (core modules plugin)
     * @method toggleFullScreen
    toggleFullScreen() { return 'notImplementedYet. Activate with plugin'; }
     * Plugin will overwrite create this method. Method for actually activating minimap.
     * @method initMinimap
    initMinimap() { return 'notImplementedYet. Activate with plugin'; }
     * Plugin will overwrite create this method. Method for actually activating fog of war.
     * @method activateFogOfWar
    activateFogOfWar() { return 'notImplementedYet. Activate with plugin'; }

    --------- PRIVATE METHODS ---------
     * Retrieves the objects from ObjectManager, with the given parameters. Mostly helper functionality for getObjectsUnderArea
     * @private
     * @method _retrieveObjects
     * @param {Object} allCoords                        REQUIRED
     * @param {Object} allCoords.globalCoords           REQUIRED
     * @param {Integer} allCoords.globalCoords.x        REQUIRED
     * @param {Integer} allCoords.globalCoords.y        REQUIRED
     * @param {Integer} allCoords.globalCoords.width    REQUIRED
     * @param {Integer} allCoords.globalCoords.height   REQUIRED
     * @param {Object} allCoords.localCoords            REQUIRED
     * @param {Integer} allCoords.localCoords.x         REQUIRED
     * @param {Integer} allCoords.localCoords.y         REQUIRED
     * @param {String} [{}.type]                        The type of objects we want
     * @param {Array} [{}.subcontainers]                Array of the subcontainers we will search
     * @return {Array}                                  Found objects
    _retrieveObjects(allCoords, containers = [], { type = '' } = {}) {
      return this.objectManager.retrieve(allCoords, containers, {
        size: {
          width: allCoords.globalCoords.width,
          height: allCoords.globalCoords.height,
     * This returns layers by filtering them based on certain attribute. Can be used with more higher order filtering
     * @private
     * @method _getLayersWithAttributes
     * @param {String} attribute
     * @param {*} value
     * @return the current map instance
    _getLayersWithAttributes(attribute, value) {
      return this.getMovableLayer().children[0].children.filter(layer => {
        return layer[attribute] === value;
     * Get subcontainers under certain point or rectangle
     * @private
     * @method _getSubcontainersUnderPoint
     * @param  {[type]} globalCoords
     * @param {Object} options              Optional options.
     * @return {Array}                        All subcontainers that matched the critea

    _getSubcontainersUnderArea(allCoords, { filters } = {}) {
      const primaryLayers = this.getPrimaryLayers({ filters });
      let allMatchingSubcontainers = [];
      let thisLayersSubcontainers;

      primaryLayers.forEach(layer => {
        thisLayersSubcontainers = layer.getSubcontainersByCoordinates(allCoords.localCoords);
        allMatchingSubcontainers = allMatchingSubcontainers.concat(thisLayersSubcontainers);

      return allMatchingSubcontainers;
     * This handles the default drawing of the map, so that map always updates when drawOnNextTick === true. This tick
     * callback is always set and should not be removed or overruled
     * @private
     * @method _defaultTick
    _defaultTick() {
      const ONE_SECOND = 1000;
      let FPSCount = 0;
      let fpsTimer = new Date().getTime();
      let renderStart;
      let totalRenderTime;

      PIXI.ticker.shared.add(() => {
        if (_drawMapOnNextTick) {
          if (this.trackFPSCB) {
            renderStart = new Date().getTime();

          _privateRenderers.forEach(renderer => renderer.render(renderer.getResponsibleLayer()));

          if (this.trackFPSCB) {
            totalRenderTime += Math.round(Math.abs(renderStart - new Date().getTime()));

          _drawMapOnNextTick = false;

        if (this.trackFPSCB) {

          if (fpsTimer + ONE_SECOND < new Date().getTime()) {
              FPS: FPSCount,
              FPStime: fpsTimer,
              renderTime: totalRenderTime,
              drawCount: _renderers.main.drawCount,

            FPSCount = 0;
            totalRenderTime = 0;
            fpsTimer = new Date().getTime();
    _addObjectToUIlayer(layerType, object, name) {
      switch (layerType) {
        case LAYER_TYPE_STATIC:
          this.getStaticLayer().addUIObject(object, name);
        case LAYER_TYPE_MOVABLE:
          this.getMovableLayer().addUIObject(object, name);

  window.flatworld.Flatworld = Flatworld;