API Docs for: 0.1.1

File: src/components/map/core/MapLayers.js

(function () {
  ------- IMPORT --------
  var PIXI = window.flatworld_libraries.PIXI;
  const { generalUtils } = window.flatworld;

  ------ VARIABLES ------
  var _UIObjects = [];

  -------- EXPORT -------
  class MapLayer extends PIXI.Container {
     * Creates a basic layer for the Map. This type of layer can not hold subcontainers. Note that different devices and graphic cards can
     * only have specific size of bitmap drawn, and PIXI cache always draws a bitmap thus the default is: 4096, based on this site:
     * http://webglstats.com/ and MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE. This is important also when caching.
     * @namespace flatworld.maplayers
     * @class MapLayer
     * @constructor
     * @param {Object} options                            optional options
     * @param {String} options.name                       Layers name, used for identifying the layer. Useful in debugging, but can be
     * used for finding correct layers too
     * @param  {Object} options.coord                   coord starting coords of layer. Relative to parent map layer.
     * @param  {Integer} options.coord.x         X coordinate
     * @param  {Integer} options.coord.y         Y coordinate
     * @param  {Object} options.specialLayer            Is this layer special (e.g. UILayer not included in normal operations)
     * @param  {Integer} options.specialLayer.x         X coordinate
     * @param  {Integer} options.specialLayer.y         Y coordinate
        name = '',
        coord = { x: 0, y: 0 },
        specialLayer = false,
        staticLayer = true,
        selectable = false } = {}) {
      Object.assign(this, coord);

       * Layers name, used for identifying the layer. Useful in debugging, but can be used for finding correct layers too
       * @attribute name
       * @type {String}
      this.name = '' + name;
       * Is this layer special (e.g. UILayer not included in normal operations)
       * @attribute specialLayer
       * @type {Boolean}
      this.specialLayer = !!specialLayer;
       * Will this layer change dynamically or can we assume that this holds the same objects always, until game reload
       * @attribute static
       * @type {Boolean}
      this.staticLayer = !!staticLayer;
       * Can you select objects from this layer. For example with Map.getObjectsUnderArea
       * @attribute selectable
       * @type {Boolean}
      this.selectable = selectable;
       * Every added UIObject will be listed here for removal and updating. The indexes in the list provide the easy option to remove only
       * certain object from the UIObjects.
       * @attribute UIObjectList
       * @type {Array}
      this.UIObjectList = {};
     * Does this layer use subcontainers.
     * @method hasSubcontainers
     * @return {Boolean} true = uses subcontainers.
    hasSubcontainers() {
      return (this.subcontainersConfig.width && this.subcontainersConfig.height) ? true : false;
     * Move layer based on given amounts
     * @method move
     * @param  {Object} coord            The amount of x and y coordinates we want the layer to move. I.e. { x: 5, y: 0 }. This would move
     * the map 5 pixels horizontally and 0 pixels vertically
     * @param  {Integer} coord.x         X coordinate
     * @param  {Integer} coord.y         Y coordinate
    move(coord) {
      this.x += coord.x;
      this.y += coord.y;
     * set layer zoom
     * @method setZoom
     * @param {Number} amount The amount that you want the layer to zoom.
     * @return {Number} The same amount that was given, except after transform to 2 decimals and type cast to Number
     * */
    setZoom(amount) {
      this.scale.x = this.scale.y = +amount.toFixed(2);

      return this.scale.x;
     * get layer zoom
     * @method getZoom
     * @return {Boolean} current amount of zoom
     * */
    getZoom() {
      return this.scale.x;
     * get UIObjects on this layer, if there are any, or defaulty empty array if no UIObjects are active
     * @method getUIObjects
     * @return {Array} current UIObjects
     * */
    getUIObjects() {
      return _UIObjects;
     * Get primary layers, that this layer holds as children. So basically all children that are not special layers (such as UI layers etc.)
     * @method getPrimaryLayers
     * @return {Array}                            Primary children layers under this layer
     * */
    getPrimaryLayers({ filters } = {}) {
      return this.children.filter(thisChild => {
        if ((filters &&
            filters.doesItFilter("layer") &&
            !filters.filter(thisChild).length) ||
            thisChild.specialLayer) {
          return false;

        return true;
     * Get all objects that are this layers children or subcontainers children. Does not return layers, but the objects. Works on primary layer only currently. So can not seek for complicated children structure, seeks only inside subcontainers.
     * @method getObjects
     * @return {Array}            All the objects (not layers) found under this layer
     * */
    getObjects(filter) {
      const allObjects = [];
      const willFilter = filter && filter.doesItFilter("object");      
      let objects;

      if (this.hasSubcontainers()) {
        this.getSubcontainers().forEach(subcontainer => {
          if (willFilter) {
            objects = subcontainer.children.filter(o => !!filter.filter(o).length);
          } else {
            objects = subcontainer.children;


      return generalUtils.arrays.flatten2Levels(allObjects);
     * Create and add special layer, that holds UI effects in it. UILayer is normally positioned as movableLayers 3rd child. And the
     * actual UI stuff is added there.
     * @method createUILayer
     * @param  {String} name          name of the layer
     * @param  {Object} coord         Coordinates of the layer
     * @param  {Integer} coord.x      X coordinate
     * @param  {Integer} coord.y      Y coordinate
     * @return {MapLayer}            The created UI layer
    createUILayer(name = 'default UI layer', coord = { x: 0, y: 0 }) {
      var layer = new MapLayer(name, coord);

      layer.specialLayer = true;

      this.UILayer = layer;

      return layer;
     * Return the UILayer. If no UILayer is yet created, will return undefined
     * @method getUILayer
     * @return {MapLayer | undefined}
    getUILayer() {
      return this.UILayer;
     * Adds and object to this layers UILayer child. If an object with the same name already exists, we remove it automatically and replace
     * it with the new object given as parameter.
     * @method addUIObject
     * @param {Object} object   The UI object to be added under this layer
     * @param {Object} UIName   Name of the UI object. This is important as you can use it to remove the UI object later or replace it.
     * @return {Array}          All the UIObjects currently on this layer
    addUIObject(object, UIName) {
      var UILayer;
      _UIObjects = _UIObjects || [];

      /* We remove the old UIObject with the same name, if it exists. */
      if (UIName && this.UIObjectList[UIName]) {

      this.UIObjectList[UIName] = object;

      if (!this.getUILayer()) {
        UILayer = this.createUILayer();
      } else {
        UILayer = this.getUILayer;


      return _UIObjects;
     * If object is given, removes that object, otherwiseRemove all the UIObjects from this layer
     * @method deleteUIObjects
     * @param {Object} object   If you wish to delete particular object
     * @return {Array} empty    UIObjects array
     * */
    deleteUIObjects(UIName) {
      var UILayer = this.getUILayer();

      if (UIName) {
        let object = this.UIObjectList[UIName];

        object = null;

      Object.keys(this.UIObjectList).map((index) => {
        let object = this.UIObjectList[index];

        object = null;

      return _UIObjects;

  class MapLayerParent extends MapLayer {
     * Layer designed to hold subcontainers. But can handle objects too. Different devices graphic cards can only have specific size of
     * bitmap drawn, and PIXI cache always draws a bitmap. Thus the default is: 4096, based on this site: http://webglstats.com/ and
     * @class MapLayerParent
     * @constructor
     * @param {Object} options
     * @param {String} options.name                    name layer property name, used for identifiying the layer, usefull in debugging,
     * but used also otherwise too
     * @param  {Object} options.coord                  starting coords of layer. Relative to parent map layer.
     * @param  {Integer} options.coord.x               X coordinate
     * @param  {Integer} options.coord.y               Y coordinate
     * @param  {Object} options.subcontainers          Subontainer size. If given activated subcontainers, otherwise not.
     * @param  {Integer} options.subcontainers.width   width (in pixels)
     * @param  {Integer} options.subcontainers.height  height (in pixels)
     * @param {Boolean} options.specialLayer           Is this special layer or not.
        name = '',
        coord = { x: 0, y: 0 },
        subcontainers = { width: 0, height: 0, maxDetectionOffset: 100 },
        specialLayer = false,
        staticLayer = true,
        selectable = false } = {}) {

      this.oldAddChild = super.addChild.bind(this);
      this.subcontainersConfig = subcontainers;
      this.subcontainerList = [];
      this.selectable = selectable;
      this.specialLayer = specialLayer;
     * We override the PIXIs own addchild functionality. Since we need to support subcontainers in
     * addChild. We check subcontainers and
     * then we call the original (PIXIs) addChild
     * @method addChild
     * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} displayObject      PIXI.DisplayObject
    addChild(displayObject) {
      if (this.hasSubcontainers()) {
        const correctContainer = setCorrectSubcontainer(displayObject, this);
      } else {

      return displayObject;
     * Returns the configurations set for subcontainers.
     * @method getSubcontainerConfigs
    getSubcontainerConfigs() {
      return this.subcontainersConfig;
     * Returns subcontainers based on the given coordinates. Can be applied through a MapDataManipulator filter also.
     * @method getSubcontainersByCoordinates
     * @param  {Object} coordinates
     * @param  {Integer} coordinates.x                  X coordinate
     * @param  {Integer} coordinates.y                  Y coordinate
     * @param  {MapDataManipulator} options.filter      Filter for selecting only certain subcontainers
    getSubcontainersByCoordinates(coordinates) {
      if (!this.hasSubcontainers()) {
        throw new Error('tried to retrieve subcontainers, when they are not present');

      var foundSubcontainers;

      foundSubcontainers = _getClosestSubcontainers(this, coordinates);

      return foundSubcontainers;
     * @method getSubcontainers
    getSubcontainers() {
      return generalUtils.arrays.flatten2Levels(this.subcontainerList);

  class MapSubcontainer extends PIXI.Container {
     * Subcontainers are containers that hold objects like units and terrain etc. under them. They have some restrictions atm. since they
     * are PIXI.ParticleContainers. But when needed we can extend MapLayers with another class which is subcontainer, but not
     * ParticleContainer at the present there is no need, so we won't extend yet. Subcontainers help the layers to make better movement of
     * the map, by making subcontainers visible or invisible and even helping with selecting objects on the map. Thus we don't need to use
     * our inefficient Quadtree. The intention was to use PIXI.ParticleContainer for this, but it seems it doesn't clean up the memory
     * afterwards the same way as normal Container.
     * @private
     * @class MapSubcontainer
     * @constructor
     * @param  {Object} size              Subontainer size. If given activated subcontainers, otherwise not.
     * @param  {Integer} size.width       width (in pixels)
     * @param  {Integer} size.height      height (in pixels)
    constructor(size) {

      this.specialLayer = true;
      this.size = size;
      this.selectable = false;
     * Gets this subcontainers coordinates and size
     * @method getSubcontainerArea
     * @param {Number} scale                              The size of scale the map currently has
     * @param {Boolean} options.toGlobal                  Do we get the global coordinates or local
     * @return {Object}                                   x, y, width and height returned inside object.
    getSubcontainerArea(options = { toGlobal: true }) {
      var coordinates;

      coordinates = options.toGlobal ? this.toGlobal(new PIXI.Point(0, 0)) : this;

      return {
        x: Math.round(coordinates.x),
        y: Math.round(coordinates.y),
        width: Math.round(this.size.width),
        height: Math.round(this.size.height),

  class MinimapLayer extends PIXI.Container {
     * Subcontainers are containers that hold objects like units and terrain etc. under them. They have some restrictions atm. since they
     * are PIXI.ParticleContainers. But when needed we can extend MapLayers with another class which is subcontainer, but not
     * ParticleContainer at the present there is no need, so we won't extend yet. Subcontainers help the layers to make better movement of
     * the map, by making subcontainers visible or invisible and even helping with selecting objects on the map. Thus we don't need to use
     * our inefficient Quadtree. The intention was to use PIXI.ParticleContainer for this, but it seems it doesn't clean up the memory
     * afterwards the same way as normal Container.
     * @private
     * @class MapSubcontainer
     * @constructor
     * @param  {Object} size              Subontainer size. If given activated subcontainers, otherwise not.
     * @param  {Integer} size.width       width (in pixels)
     * @param  {Integer} size.height      height (in pixels)
    constructor(size) {

      this.specialLayer = true;
      this.targetSize = size;
      this.selectable = false;
  ------- PRIVATE -------
   * Helper function for setting subcontainers to parent containers. Adds subcontainers when
   * needed. Subcontainers are not and can not be initialized at the start as we won't know the
   * size of the parent container. Container is always dynamic in size.
   * @method setCorrectSubcontainer
   * @private
   * @static
   * @method setCorrectSubcontainer
   * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} displayObject
   * @param {Object} parentLayer
  function setCorrectSubcontainer(displayObject, parentLayer) {
    var { subcontainersConfig, subcontainerList } = parentLayer;
    var xIndex = Math.floor(displayObject.x / subcontainersConfig.width);
    var yIndex = Math.floor(displayObject.y / subcontainersConfig.height);
    var thisSubcontainer;

    subcontainerList[xIndex] = subcontainerList[xIndex] || [];
    thisSubcontainer = subcontainerList[xIndex][yIndex] = subcontainerList[xIndex][yIndex] || [];

    if (subcontainerList[xIndex][yIndex].length <= 0) {
      thisSubcontainer = new MapSubcontainer({
        x: xIndex * subcontainersConfig.width,
        y: yIndex * subcontainersConfig.height,
        width: subcontainersConfig.width,
        height: subcontainersConfig.height,

      subcontainerList[xIndex][yIndex] = thisSubcontainer;
      thisSubcontainer.x = xIndex * subcontainersConfig.width;
      thisSubcontainer.y = yIndex * subcontainersConfig.height;
      thisSubcontainer.visible = !subcontainersConfig.isHiddenByDefault;

    displayObject.x -= thisSubcontainer.x;
    displayObject.y -= thisSubcontainer.y;

    return subcontainerList[xIndex][yIndex];
   * Get the closest subcontainers of the given area.
   * @method setCorrectSubcontainer
   * @private
   * @static
   * @method _getClosestSubcontainers
   * @param  {Object} layer                         Instance of PIXI.Container - The layer being used
   * @param  {Object} givenCoordinates              Coordinates or rectangle
   * @param  {Integer} givenCoordinates.x           x coordinate
   * @param  {Integer} givenCoordinates.y           y coordinate
   * @param  {Integer} givenCoordinates.width       width of the rectangle
   * @param  {Integer} givenCoordinates.height      height of the rectangle
   * @param  {Object} options                       Optional options.
   * @return {Array}                                Array of found subcontainers.
  function _getClosestSubcontainers(layer, givenCoordinates) {
    var { width, height, maxDetectionOffset } = layer.getSubcontainerConfigs();
    var coordinates = {
      x: givenCoordinates.x >= 0 ? givenCoordinates.x - maxDetectionOffset : -maxDetectionOffset,
      y: givenCoordinates.y >= 0 ? givenCoordinates.y - maxDetectionOffset : -maxDetectionOffset,
      width: (givenCoordinates.width || 0) + maxDetectionOffset * 2,
      height: (givenCoordinates.height || 0) + maxDetectionOffset * 2,
    var allFoundSubcontainers = [];
    var xIndex = Math.floor(coordinates.x / width);
    var yIndex = Math.floor(coordinates.y / height);
    var x2 = coordinates.width ? coordinates.x + coordinates.width : +coordinates.x;
    var y2 = coordinates.height ? coordinates.y + coordinates.height : +coordinates.y;
    var widthIndex = Math.floor(x2 / width);
    var heightIndex = Math.floor(y2 / height);
    var subcontainerList = layer.subcontainerList;

    for (let thisXIndex = xIndex; thisXIndex <= widthIndex; thisXIndex++) {
      if (thisXIndex >= 0 && subcontainerList && subcontainerList[thisXIndex]) {
        for (let thisYIndex = yIndex; thisYIndex <= heightIndex; thisYIndex++) {
          if (thisYIndex >= 0 && subcontainerList[thisXIndex][thisYIndex]) {

    return allFoundSubcontainers;

  window.flatworld.mapLayers = window.flatworld.mapLayers || {};
  window.flatworld.mapLayers.MapLayer = MapLayer;
  window.flatworld.mapLayers.MapLayerParent = MapLayerParent;
  window.flatworld.mapLayers.MinimapLayer = MinimapLayer;