API Docs for: 0.1.1

File: src/components/map/core/Objects.js

(function () {
  --------- IMPORT --------
  var utils = window.flatworld.utils;
  var PIXI = window.flatworld_libraries.PIXI;
  var mapAPI = window.flatworld.mapAPI;
  var mapEvents = window.flatworld.mapEvents;

  ---------- API ----------
  class ObjectSprite extends PIXI.Sprite {
     * The base class of all sprite objects
     * @namespace flatworld.objects
     * @class ObjectSprite
     * @constructor
     * @extends PIXI.Sprite
     * @param {PIXI.Point} coords       the coordinate where the object is located at, relative to it's parent
     * @param {Object} {}
     * @param {Object} {}.data          objects data, that will be used in the game. It will not actually be mainly used
     * in graphical but rather things  like unit-data and city-data presentations etc.
    constructor(texture, coord = { x: 0, y: 0 }, { data = null } = {}) {

      /* We need to round the numbers. If there are decimal values, the graphics will get blurry */
      let exactCoords = {
        x: Math.round(coord.x),
        y: Math.round(coord.y),
      this.position.set(exactCoords.x, exactCoords.y);
       * Name of the object. Used mostly for debugging
       * @attribute name
       * @type {String}
      this.name = 'Objects_sprite_' + this.id;
       * Type of the object. Can be used for filtering, ordering or finding correct objects.
       * @attribute type
       * @type {String}
      this.type = 'None';
       * Is the object highligtable.
       * @attribute highlightable
       * @type {Boolean}
      this.highlightable = true;
       * Objects custom data. Holds unit statistics and most data. Like unit movement speed etc.
       * @attribute data
       * @type {Object}
      this.data = data;
       * Object area width in pixels.
       * @attribute areaWidth
       * @type {Number}
      this.areaWidth = this.width;
       * Object area height in pixels.
       * @attribute areaHeight
       * @type {Number}
      this.areaHeight = this.height;
       * If this object is static. Meaning it's position won't be changed etc. This can be used e.g. in rendering the minimap. The static
       * objects and then the dynamic separately.
       * @attribute static
       * @type {Boolean}
      this.static = true;
       * This is a color used to generate minimap functionality. Holds a color in hexadecimal
       * @type {Number}
      this.minimapColor = 0xFF0000;
     * Drawing the object
     * @method innerDraw
     * @param {Number} x coordinate x
     * @param {Number} y coordinate y
     * @return this object instance
    innerDraw(x, y) {
      this.x = x;
      this.y = y;

      return this;
     * Draws new frame to animate or such
     * @method drawNewFrame
     * @param {Number} x                coordinate x
     * @param {Number} y                coordinate y
     * @param {Number} newFrame         New frame number to animate to
     * @return this object instance
    drawNewFrame(x, y, newFrame) {
      this.currentFrame = newFrame;

      return this.innerDraw(x, y);
     * Get the area that is reserved for the graphical presenation of this object as a rectangle.
     * @method getGraphicalArea
     * @param  {Object} options       toGlobal: Boolean. Should the method return global coordinates or local (movableLayer)
     * @return {AreaSize}               { x: Number, y: Number, width: Number, height: Number}
    getGraphicalArea(options = { toGlobal: true }) {
      var coordinates;

      coordinates = options.toGlobal ? this.toGlobal(new PIXI.Point(0, 0)) : this;

      return {
        x: Math.round(coordinates.x),
        y: Math.round(coordinates.y),
        width: Math.round(this.width),
        height: Math.round(this.height),
     * Clone object
     * @method clone
     * @param  {Object} renderer              PIXI renderer
     * @param  {Object} options               position: Boolean, anchor: Boolean
     * @return {Object}                       cloned object
    clone(renderer, options = { position: false, anchor: false, scale: false }) {
      var newSprite = new PIXI.Sprite();

      newSprite.texture = renderer.generateTexture(this);

      options.anchor && newSprite.anchor.set(this.anchor.x, this.anchor.y);
      options.position && newSprite.position.set(this.x, this.y);
      options.scale && newSprite.scale.set(this.scale.x, this.scale.y);

      Reflect.setPrototypeOf(newSprite, this.constructor.prototype);

      return newSprite;

  class ObjectSpriteTerrain extends ObjectSprite {
     * Terrain tile like desert or mountain, non-movable and cacheable. Normally, but not necessarily, these are
     * inherited, depending on the map type. For example you might want to add some click area for these
     * @class ObjectSpriteTerrain
     * @constructor
     * @extends ObjectSprite
     * @param {Coordinates} coords        format: {x: Number, y: Number}. Coordinates for the object relative to it's parent
     * @param {object} data               This units custom data
    constructor(texture, coords, { data = null } = {}) {
      super(texture, coords, { data });

      this.name = 'DefaultTerrainObject';
      this.type = 'terrain';
      this.highlightable = false;

  class ObjectSpriteUnit extends ObjectSprite {
     * Map unit like infantry or worker, usually something with actions or movable. Usually these are extended, depending on the map type.
     * For example you might want to add some click area for these (e.g. hexagon)
     * @class ObjectSpriteUnit
     * @constructor
     * @extends ObjectSprite
     * @requires graphics
     * @param {Object} coords               Coordinates for the object relative to it's parent
     * @param {Integer} coords.x            X coordinate
     * @param {Integer} coords.y            Y coordinate
     * @param {object} data                 This units data
    constructor(texture, coords, { data = null } = {}) {
      super(texture, coords, { data });

      this.name = 'DefaultUnitObjects';
      this.type = 'unit';
       * actions bound to this object. @todo THIS HAS NOT BEEN IMPLEMENTED YET!
       * @attribute actions
       * @type {Object}
      this.actions = {};
     * Execute action on units (move, attack etc.). @todo THIS HAS NOT BEEN IMPLEMENTED YET!
     * @method  doAction
     * @param {String} type
    doAction(type) {
      this.actions[type].forEach(action => {
     * Add certain action type. @todo THIS HAS NOT BEEN IMPLEMENTED YET!
     * @method addActionType
     * @param {String} type
    addActionType(type) {
      this.actions[type] = this.actions[type] || [];
     * Attach callback for the certain action type. @todo THIS HAS NOT BEEN IMPLEMENTED YET!
     * @method addCallbackToAction
     * @param {String} type
     * @param {Function} cb
    addCallbackToAction(type, cb) {
     * @method dropShadow
    dropShadow(...args) {
      return utils.effects.dropShadow(...args);
      * This is abstract method and needs to be implemented with a plugin. Core module has an implementation for this and if you
      * don't implement your own, I suggest you use it. You can attach any method to object if you wish. Like attack, siege, greet, talk.
      * @method move
      * @requires  mapAPIa..('objectMove") to be declared
      * @attribute [name]
    move(to) {
      mapEvents.publish('objectMove', this);
      mapAPI.post('objectMove', {
        id: this.id,
        from: {
          x: this.x,
          y: this.y,

  window.flatworld.objects.ObjectSprite = ObjectSprite;
  window.flatworld.objects.ObjectSpriteTerrain = ObjectSpriteTerrain;
  window.flatworld.objects.ObjectSpriteUnit = ObjectSpriteUnit;